Volunteers Make a Difference

Your PTA board invites YOU to volunteer at Lemon Ave! One of the reasons our school is so awesome is that parents (like YOU!) get involved. We're grateful for the volunteers who help to deliver well over 30 programs and events to help grow the best school experience possible for our children. Will YOU help us support the programs our students and families love? Be a PTA superhero today!

Want to get involved with the PTA in a more ongoing way or in a leadership role? We will love to have you join our PTA board or become a committee chair. All Board positions attend monthly PTA Board meetings and report on the current events and activities that fall under their roles and responsibilities.  Committee chairs oversee specific events and report to their PTA VP prior to their event to communicate plans, and after their event to provide a written wrap up of event and a budget overview.  If any board members are unable to attend meetings, they can submit a summary of their report to the PTA President.